Thursday, June 4, 2020

Books Online Memories of My Melancholy Whores Free Download

Books Online Memories of My Melancholy Whores  Free Download
Memories of My Melancholy Whores Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 115 pages
Rating: 3.6 | 65651 Users | 3990 Reviews

Describe Of Books Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Title:Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Author:Gabriel García Márquez
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:First Vintage International Open-Market Edition
Pages:Pages: 115 pages
Published:November 2006 by Vintage International (first published October 19th 2004)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Literature. Romance. Magical Realism. Novels. Cultural. Latin American

Narration Supposing Books Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Memories of My Melancholy Whores is Gabriel García Márquez’s first work of fiction in ten years, written at the height of his powers, the Spanish edition of which Ilan Stavans called, “Masterful. Erotic. As hypnotizing as it is disturbing” (Los Angeles Times).

On the eve of his ninetieth birthday, our unnamed protagonist–an undistinguished journalist and lifelong bachelor–decides to give himself “the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin.”

The girl, whom an old madam procures for him, is splendidly young, with the silent power of a sleeping beauty. The night of love blossoms into a transforming year. It is a year in which he relives, in a rush of memories, his lifetime of (paid-for) sexual adventures and experiences a revelation that brings him to the edge of dying–not of old age, but, at long last, of uncorrupted love.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores is a brilliant gem by the master storyteller.

Point Books In Favor Of Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Original Title: Memoria de mis putas tristes
Edition Language: English
Setting: Colombia
Literary Awards: Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction (2005)

Rating Of Books Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Ratings: 3.6 From 65651 Users | 3990 Reviews

Weigh Up Of Books Memories of My Melancholy Whores
The review I wrote for amazon.A curious and lovely bookIn the US, we understand sexy but we struggle with the erotic. We read the body like we read the newspaper, by habit; with a glance. Our real failure in love is our failure to take our time. It's not in our nature to wait, to sample, to savor. We rush into love as if we were late to an appointment. Gabriel Garcia Marquez in his MEMORIES OF MY MELANCHOLY WHORES doesn't rush. The book is a seduction and moves at that quiet lazy confident pace.

A Latin-American "Lolita" Lite or: Don't Let The Title Scare You (This Isn't A Dirty Old Man Book)Its been years since I've read anything by Gabriel García Márquez, and so this little book, while not as grand, sweeping or substantial as the works that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, came as a lovely, gentle surprise.Reading it felt like catching up with a grizzled old friend who can tell a mean story. García Márquezs seductive writing has a perfumed air of nostalgia and

This is it everyone- The most depressing book I have read. Ever. Yes. This book. Not the ones about the holocaust, brutal wars, awful diseases... this book. About an old man who has only ever slept with whores. I don't know why it got to me like it did, but I would read a few pages and feel physically sick to my stomach. It's not the subject matter (it's interesting), it's not the writing (he's Marquez)... it's just this sense of awfulness. This awful awful life he's lead, and what he has never

ImmortifiedIve wondered for a long time how to talk to you about this. How to explain myself, if such a thing is necessary or possible. Should I even bother? Would you understand? Will you be able to see things from my point of view? Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?Ironically, perhaps, if you believe in God, the Holy Spirit, then you might be more likely to understand me and therefore to forgive.My desire is not so much that you understand what I have done. Its more important that

Cela prostorija je odisala njenom intimom. Nije bila sasvim gola, jer je za uvetom imala otrovni cvet narandžastih latica, kao Maneova "Olimpija" , a nosila je i zlatnu narukvicu na desnoj ruci i nisku sitnih bisera oko vrata.Nisam pretpostavljao da ću ikada videti nešto što će me tako pomeriti u onome što mi je ostajalo od života, a danas mogu da potvrdim da sam bio u pravu. Sećanja na moje tužne kurve je poslednji roman kolumbijskog nobelovca Gabriel Garsija Markesa. Tema kojom se koristio u

I really didn't like this story. The writing as always was wonderful - the descriptions, the language, the character development - all excellent. The story however was extremely disturbing and sad. Chapter 1 in particular, when the narrator describes how upon turning 90 he decided he wanted to have sex with a young virgin was appalling. Then the local madam finds a 14 year old, poor, illiterate girl for him. He goes to see her and finds her asleep because she had been so afraid she had to be

پیرمردی که می خواهد جشن نود سالگی اش را با شکوه برگزار کند تا طعم تلخ تنهایی را فراموش کنداو گوشی را بر میدارد و زنگ می زند. زن پشت تلفن پیرمرد را بیاد می آورد و پیرمرد آنچه را میخواسته به او میگوید همه چیز خوب پیش می رود و پیرمرد گوشی را میگذارد.قرار است برای شب تولدش با دختری 14 ساله و باکره همخوابگی کند ولی این هوس با هوس های دیگر سال های جوانی و میانسالی اش فرق دارد و این بار عشق است که هوس را به زانو در می آوردزندگی هدیه تولد غیر منتظره ای برای پیرمرد دارد درک زیبایی زندگی آنهم زمانی که

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