Friday, June 5, 2020

Free The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2) Books Online

Present Books To The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)

Original Title: Tempelriddaren
ISBN: 0752846485 (ISBN13: 9780752846484)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Crusades Trilogy #2
Characters: Richard I of England, Heraclius, Saladin, Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, Arn Magnusson, Birger Brosa, Canute I of Sweden, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, Guy of Lusignan, Arnold of Torroja, Roger de Moulins, Raynald of Châtillon, Gerard de Ridefort, Raymond III of Tripoli, Cecilia Johansdotter of Sweden, Magnus Minniskiöld
Free The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2) Books Online
The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2) Hardcover | Pages: 467 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 4939 Users | 142 Reviews

Interpretation As Books The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)

Tempelriddaren är den spännande fortsättningen på Vägen till Jerusalem. Arn är 27 år och redan en ärrad veteran bland korsfararna i Det heliga landet. Mycket har han hunnit lära sig under de tio år som gått sedan han red bort från Arnäs i Västergötland för sin tjugoåriga botgöringstjänst i Palestina. Den trosvissa övertygelse om uppdragets rättfärdighet som den 17-årige rekryten hade vid sin ankomst till korsfararriket har fått sig många törnar. Och nu, som borgherre i garnisonen i Gaza och med uppdraget att upprätthålla lag och ordning i trakten, får han allt oftare erfara att han har mera besvär med de nyanlända korsfararna - som antingen styrs av överdrivet kristet nit eller alltför ohöljd plundringslust - än med landets luttrade urinvånare. Hemma i Sverige har under tiden Cecilia, Arns ungdomskärlek som till straff för deras älskog sattes i det stränga Gudhems kloster, fött deras barn, en gosse som växer upp hos Arns farbror Birger Brosa. Cecilia ber om undret att Arn måtte komma åter, och även Birger som manövrerar slugt i de svenska maktstriderna hoppas på Arns återkomst.

Be Specific About Out Of Books The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)

Title:The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)
Author:Jan Guillou
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 467 pages
Published:2010 by Harper (first published June 21st 1999)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. European Literature. Swedish Literature

Rating Out Of Books The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)
Ratings: 4.14 From 4939 Users | 142 Reviews

Crit Out Of Books The Knight Templar (The Crusades Trilogy #2)
The covers on these books are probably not conveying what they need to convey. These are excellent examples of historical fiction. But with their lengthy portions devoted to the plight of characters besides Arn's time in a convent, Guillou's Crusades Trilogy has less in common Bernard Cornwell's take on the Middle Ages and than it does with Ken Follett's or Umberto Eco's.

Best book in the trilogy in my opinion. Depiction of Saladin is very interesting even though it is false.You will find conversations about Christianity and Islam between Saladin and Arn very enjoyable.Would recommend for all people even if you are not into history.

PROTAGONIST: Arn Magnusson, Templar Knight, and Cecilia Rosa, convent residentSERIES: #2 of 3RATING: 4.0WHY: I received this book for review and thought for sure that it would not be my cup of tea, as I am not really in to historicals. After I read it for a while, I realized that it wasn't even crime fiction; but by then, I was involved in the book. The second book in a trilogy, the focus shifts from Cecilia Rosa who is serving a 20-year penance in a convent for being an unwed mother, under an

An enjoyable tale. I liked the way the male and female story lines whent back and forth. I also enjoyed the character development and especially Celcelia Blanca's personality. Although, I do think it's clear the book was written by a man and not a mom. I am not sure how Celcelia rosa could pass any day with out feelings of horrible lose for the child taken from her. Nthe reunion is well done, but in think more time should have been spent on her feelings of loss for the child and just longing for

There is more action is this second book. A lot of text is dedicated to the politics of the knighthood as well as the region. The story (for me at least) starts to get bogged down in some these details. Still an interesting read.

Follow Swedish Crusader Arn Magnusson from the battle of Montgisard (1177) to the battle of Hattin (1187), that very battle where Guy de Lusignan was captured and Renault de Chatillon executed by Saladin.A Swedish passport is often an asset in the middle-east and already applied back in 1187. Arn Magnusson is the only Templar knight to be spared by Saladin after the battle of Hattin. Good for him, he can go back to Sweden to his sexy fiancée who is locked in a nunnery.Quite an enjoyable book,

This is a fascinating historical and fictional work! I really enjoyed learning about life in the 1100's in the convents and monesteries of Norway, Sweden, and Finland and in particular with this book, the life of the crusaders in the holy land. The way the author weaves his story of the main character Arn around all of the pivotal events and politics of that day both in Jerusalem and Europe is amazing. He makes the characters so compelling that as you are reading about Arn's life in the holy

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