Friday, July 3, 2020

Free Download Dievų miškas Books

Point Books In Pursuance Of Dievų miškas

Original Title: Dievų miškas
ISBN: 5430004774
Edition Language: Lithuanian
Free Download Dievų miškas  Books
Dievų miškas Paperback | Pages: 320 pages
Rating: 4.49 | 4553 Users | 85 Reviews

Interpretation To Books Dievų miškas

„Dievų miškas“ — memuarinis lietuvių rašytojo ir poeto Balio Sruogos romanas, parašytas 1945 m. Jame atsispindi rašytojo išgyvenimai nacių Štuthofo koncentracijos stovykloje, į kurią B. Sruoga buvo išsiųstas 1943 m. kovą. Romanas kupinas ironijos ir pasišaipymo iš lagerių tvarkos, elgesio su kaliniais ir apskritai iš visos esamos situacijos, ryški sarkastiška ironija ir juodasis humoras (kalinių mušimo, lavonų tampymo scenos), kuris buvo vienintelis būdas, leidęs bent kiek atsitverti nuo šaltai apgalvotos, racionalizuotos žmonių naikinimo sistemos.

Knygą B. Sruoga parašė vos per kelis mėnesius, tik grįžęs iš koncentracijos stovyklos į Lietuvą 1945 m. vasarą, besigydydamas Birštono sanatorijoje. Jos spausdinimas sovietinės priespaudos laikais buvo uždraustas.

Be Specific About Epithetical Books Dievų miškas

Title:Dievų miškas
Author:Balys Sruoga
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 320 pages
Published:1989 by Šviesa (first published 1957)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. War. Academic. School. World War II. Read For School

Rating Epithetical Books Dievų miškas
Ratings: 4.49 From 4553 Users | 85 Reviews

Evaluate Epithetical Books Dievų miškas
some people are monstrous and cruel and some had to suffer unbearable torments because of them.

Mr. Sruoga really knows the art of black humour. Somehow he managed to turn a book about the Nazis into a pleasurable read. Throughout the whole book you can really feel that the writer used humour as a device of survival and it was wonderfully done.

The story of author's Nazi concentration camp experience in Lithuania - but written through a bright lens. Overall one of the most hilarious books I have read. 5+

I really dont like Lithuanian authors but if I can recommend one book I either would talk about this one or Gintaras Grajauskas Heresy (though its not translated to English).Forest of the Gods talks about WWII and concentration camps. Its a memoirs, a biography of Stutthof, a dark humor tale about prisoners life while under SS supervision.It starts as a little introduction to the place where eventually Stutthof gets built . And slowly story transitions to the the beginning of authors experience

Painful yet sublime. How Sruoga was able to maintain a gently ribbing tone after his experiences, I will never understand and will hope to carry with me as an example. Since this is a book you've probably never heard of: Balys Sruoga, prominent Lithuanian intellectual, documents his two years in a Nazi concentration camp. His voice is unique: a sort of tenderly naïve irony, neither accusatory nor hateful, that somehow makes the horrors ever so real while also providing a sort of buffer; allowing

I admit, Balys's writing style is unusual. He speaks so ironically about such things like death and hunger and just plain lack of humanity in people. Even though at times it irked me, mostly it gave spark to this book. It made it different and that's why I'm giving it four stars.

I've read this book twice and would read it again if I had enough time. Loved it. As I'm sarcastic person myself the authors view on things is very atracttive to me. And becouse it's his memoirs it was interesting to see how he survived hard times like that.

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