Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Free Download Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1) Books Online

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Original Title: Mainspring
ISBN: 0765317087 (ISBN13: 9780765317087)
Edition Language: English
Series: Clockwork Earth #1
Literary Awards: Sidewise Award Nominee for Alternate History (2007)
Free Download Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1) Books Online
Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1) Hardcover | Pages: 320 pages
Rating: 3.22 | 2161 Users | 287 Reviews

Narrative In Favor Of Books Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1)

Jay Lake's first trade novel is an astounding work of creation.  Lake has envisioned a clockwork solar system, where the planets move in a vast system of gears around the lamp of the Sun. It is a universe where the hand of the Creator is visible to anyone who simply looks up into the sky, and sees the track of the heavens, the wheels of the Moon, and the great Equatorial gears of the Earth itself.

Mainspring is the story of a young clockmaker's apprentice, who is visited by the Archangel Gabriel. He is told that he must take the Key Perilous and rewind the Mainspring of the Earth. It is running down, and disaster to the planet will ensue if it's not rewound. From innocence and ignorance to power and self-knowledge, the young man will make the long and perilous journey to the South Polar Axis, to fulfill the commandment of his God.

Specify Based On Books Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1)

Title:Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1)
Author:Jay Lake
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 320 pages
Published:June 12th 2007 by Tor Books (first published 2007)
Categories:Science Fiction. Steampunk. Fantasy. Fiction. Alternate History

Rating Based On Books Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1)
Ratings: 3.22 From 2161 Users | 287 Reviews

Write Up Based On Books Mainspring (Clockwork Earth #1)
So, what if you had a literal clockwork universe in which the earth rotates on an immense brass track driven by gears on top of an equatorial wall?Jay Lake takes this unlikely premise and makes it work, and what's more, makes it the setting for a journey of spiritual realisation by the extremely hapless main character. (Poor guy, he keeps getting falsely accused, cast out, beaten up, robbed, imprisoned, abducted, whipped, abducted, abandoned to die, starved, dropped off cliffs, beaten up,

In my opinion one sign of a good book are the strong reactions it evokes. Judging from the number of 5 star and 1 star ratings, I'd say Mainspring qualifies. As usual, I'll leave it to others to tell you what the story is about. I read waaaay too much fantasy and sci-fi so I'm always delighted when I discover a book thats unlike any other I've read. My only complaint would be the weak character development. Mr Lake tries and there is some back story but I never really found myself caring about

UPDATE 6/1/2014: My blog about Jay Lake's death.It's time for the next review in my Jay Wake Pre-Mortem Jay Lake Read-a-thon! And today, Lake does what so few others in my 53 years have done: Used the word "God" and not made me screechingly furiously attack-mode angry. MAINSPRING, reviewed at Shelf Inflicted, is a good book for many reasons. That one is mine. Others include elegant phrasemaking, deft plotting, and a re-imagining of the laws of the Universe that's breathtaking.I'm very happy I've

I'm honestly disappointed that Goodreads doesn't allow me to give this 0 stars, because I would if I could. It's beyond me how anybody could genuinely enjoy this book, let alone barely tolerate it. The list of bad things I have to say about Jay Lake's "novel" is infinite, but I'll just give my main complaints.The book starts off with a decent amount of potential, setting it up with a classic YA "chosen one" scenario. Then it spirals into what I can only describe as the ninth circle of hell. This

A genre blending mix of magic and steampunk, Jay Lake takes on the creation of the world myth in a very alternate version of a Victorian Era world. I like the world building, but the main character himself tended to be a bit lackluster for most of the novel, haplessly falling into progressive worse situations. While it does represent a coming of age story, very little of it is a direct result of the main character himself. Rather, he is propelled to increasing challenging circumstance that he

I have a long list of expectations when it comes to science fiction. Theres the good (creative concepts, detailed setting, the epic feel of an alternate universe), the bad (execution falling short of the creativity of the idea, dragging pace, botched social commentary) and the whatever (obscure names, interspecial love interests oh, why does it never end awkwardly?). For Jay Lakes Mainspring, he avoids many of the pitfalls of science fiction, but he doesnt nail many of the positives either.

While I enjoyed parts of this clockpunk work, overall I can't help but feel a little indifferent after finishing the tale.The author did some excellent world-building. I really wanted to know more about the various cultures and climes that Hethor, the main character, came into contact with.On the other hand, the originality of idea could not overcome for me the blandness of the main and side characters. I don't mind books where the main character is somewhat more of an Everyman so that the


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